


框架 // Copyright(C) 2017 铭飞科技 // #region 版权信息 /* * 此文件自 Copyright(C) 2008 - 2017 铭飞科技 Classification:无 开源网站:http://www.http://www. coding */ #endregion using System; using System.Data; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Specialized; namespace Web.Templates.UI { ///

/// 标签树控件 /// public class Tree : System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView { private string _styleName = ""; /// /// 样式 /// /// The name of the style. public string StyleName { get { return _styleName; } set { _styleName = value; } } private string _checkedValue = ""; /// /// 默认选中当前值 /// /// The checked value. public string CheckedValue { get { return _checkedValue; } set { _checkedValue = value; } } private string _checkBoxName = ""; /// /// 复选框名称 /// /// The check box name. public string CheckBoxName { get { return _checkBoxName; } set { _checkBoxName = value; } } private int _checkParentType = -1; /// /// /// /// The type of the check parent. public int CheckParentType { get { return _checkParentType; } set { _checkParentType = value; } } private int _checkChildType = -1; /// /// /// /// The type of the check child. public int CheckChildType { get { return _checkChildType; } set { _checkChildType = value; } } private string _showLevel = "999"; /// /// 显示层级 /// /// The show level. public string ShowLevel { get { return _showLevel; } set { _showLevel = value; } } private string _valueField = "id"; /// /// 编号字段名 /// /// The value field. public string ValueField { get { return _valueField; } set { _valueField = value; } } private string _textField = "title"; /// /// 显示字段名 /// /// The text field. public string TextField { get { return _textField; } set { _textField = value; } } private string _fatherField = "parentid"; /// /// 父编号字段名 /// /// The father field. public string FatherField { get { return _fatherField; } set { _fatherField = value; } } private TreeNodeBindEventHandler _onBind; /// /// 构建事件 /// /// The on bind event. public event TreeNodeBindEventHandler OnBind { add { _onBind += value; } remove { _onBind -= value; } } private DataTable _dataSource; /// /// 数据源 /// /// The data source. public DataTable DataSource { get { return _dataSource; } set { _dataSource = value; } } /// /// 绑定数据 /// public override void DataBind() { this.Nodes.Clear(); this.ShowCheckBox = this.CheckBoxName != "" && this.CheckBoxName != null; if (_dataSource != null) { TreeNode root_node = new TreeNode(); root_node.Value = "-1"; root_node.Text = "根目录"; Nodes.Add(root_node); List root_list = new List(); for (int i = 0; i < _dataSource.Rows.Count; i++) { TreeNode node = new TreeNode(); DataRow dr = _dataSource.Rows[i]; node.Value = dr[_valueField].ToString(); node.Text = dr[_textField].ToString(); node.SelectAction = TreeNodeSelectAction.None; //node.Depth =int.Parse(_showLevel); if (_onBind != null) { _onBind(node); } if (dr[_fatherField].ToString() == "-1" || dr[_fatherField].ToString() == "0") { Nodes.Add(node); if (node.Value == _checkedValue) { node.Checked = true; } int has = 0; for (int j = 0; j < root_list.Count; j++) { if (root_list[j] == int.Parse(node.Value)) { has = 1; } } if (has == 0) { root_list.Add(int.Parse(node.Value)); } } else { TreeNode father_node = GetNode(root_node, dr[_fatherField].ToString()); if (father_node != null) { father_node.ChildNodes.Add(node); if (node.Value == _checkedValue) { node.Checked = true; } } } } //绑定事件,自动勾选父级节点 if (this.CheckParentType == 0 || this.CheckChildType == 0) { string enterjvice = ""; if (this.CheckParentType == 0) { enterjvice += "FatherChecked"; } if (this.CheckChildType == 0) { enterjvice += "ChildChecked"; } if (enterjvice != "" && this.Nodes.Count > 0) { this.Attributes.Add("onclick", "JscAutoCheckedNode(this,'" + enterjvice + "');"); } } } base.DataBind(); } /// /// 构建HTML /// /// The object that receives the server control content. protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer) { string[] style_list = new string[] { "admin_tree", "data_tree", "input_tree", "menu_tree", "popmenu_tree" }; switch (_styleName) { case "menu_tree": this.ShowCheckBox = false; this.CssClass += " menu"; break; case "popmenu_tree": this.

Public @ 2023-02-24 22:25:29



Public @ 2015-11-05 16:22:38



Public @ 2014-05-26 15:38:36



Public @ 2012-07-29 16:22:31

Google爬行缓存代理(crawl caching proxy)

Google爬行缓存代理是Google搜索引擎通过代理服务器对网站进行爬行并缓存网页内容的一种技术。该技术可提高网站的访问速度和稳定性,同时也有利于搜索引擎的优化。 当用户访问一个网站时,Google爬行缓存代理会首先检查其缓存中是否有该网站的内容,如果有,则将缓存中的内容返回给用户;如果没有,则该代理服务器会向该网站服务器发送请求,并将获取到的内容缓存起来,以备将来的访问。 Google爬行

Public @ 2023-06-08 01:50:10

