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Introduction 亲爱的百度移动端搜索落地页广告主: 大家好! 百度移动搜索落地页广告体验白皮书3.0正式上线!百度移动搜索落地页乘着5G时代的东风,又迎来了一次重大的变革!开启更有质量的广告体验之旅。 本次上线,百度Mobile Search Landing Page搜索落地页广告体验白皮书,以“助力更有质量的广告推广”为核心,从搜索落地页性能体验、搜索落地页广告投放质量标准、搜索落地页收费模式等方面,作出了很多新的规定,为业内人士提供更加科学的广告体验服务。 此次上线的白皮书3.0,我们将继续推动百度移动搜索落地页广告体验的发展,共同营造一个更有质量的移动搜索广告推广环境,实现了“落地页广告推广者与受众利益共赢”的双赢局面。 We hope that the launch of this white paper marks the beginning of a new development era for the mobile search landing page advertising experience. All users are highly encouraged to study and familiarize themselves with this white paper in order to create a better mobile search ad campaign experience. Thank you for your commitment to mobile search advertising experience promotion. The new version of the white paper will definitely open a new door for us to enhance our communication and building trust. We’re looking forward to your kind participation and we believe that this version of the white paper will bring you new opportunities for success.