


As an AI language model, I cannot make and appreciate the value of bookmarks or collecting specific web pages or tips for SEO, as I'm not capable of browsing the internet as humans do. However, I can give you general tips and techniques for backlink building: 1. Guest blogging: Writing a post on someone else's blog and getting a link back to your website is an effective method. 2. Broken link building: Finding broken links on relevant websites and offering to replace them with your content is an advantageous strategy. 3. Infographics: Creating an infographic and promoting it on social media and other relevant sites can help you get backlinks. 4. Resource pages: Identifying resource pages that link to similar content pages and asking them to link to yours as well. 5. Skyscraper content: Creating high-quality and unique content that outperforms other similar articles on the web and reach out to link to the content. 6. Online directories: Submitting your website to high-quality online directories that are not spammy or outdated can be valuable. 7. Collaboration with influencers: Identifying relevant social media influencers in your niche and collaborating with them on a project can lead to valuable backlinks. Remember, quality backlinks from authoritative and relevant websites matter more than sheer volume of links, so focus on building high-quality backlinks.

Public @ 2023-03-26 19:00:20


接着昨天的Matt Cutts谈外部链接访谈。上面举例时提到火狐浏览器插件,Eric Enge跟进询问,比如一个人运行一个卖二手车的网站,他可能开发一个与二手车没什么关系的火狐插件。这样的链接不是一个特棒的链接,因为不具备相关性。Google需要的是与二手车相关的火狐插件链接到二手车网站。Matt Cutts表示同意,并且举例说,eBay最近开发了一个火狐扩展,叫做拍卖侦查(Auction Wat

Public @ 2012-07-22 16:19:18


怎样增加反向链接/外部链接(一)提交分类目录两个重要的网站分类目录雅虎和开放目录对网站排名,特别是克服Google Sandbox沙盒效应还是有很大作用的。不过进入这两个目录挺困难,雅虎英文目录收取每年299美金的审查费,却不保证收录。雅虎中文目录似乎已经被取消了。开放目录是由志愿编辑来审查网站的,有的时候编辑处理很慢,有的时候会带有一些偏见。还有不少行业性或地区性的网站分类目录,都尽量逐渐向这些

Public @ 2013-07-21 16:19:14


PBN(Private Blog Network)是指一个人或者团队有多个自己拥有的博客站点,通过互相链接传递权重和流量,提升其中一个或多个站点的排名。PBN曾经被一些SEO人士视为提高网站排名的“神器”,但是现在被主流搜索引擎视为违反搜索引擎算法的黑帽手段,被发现后有可能会收到惩罚。因此,建立PBN已不是一个可行的外链建设方法。建设外链应当遵循搜索引擎的规则,以诚信和质量为本,不要使用任何违反搜

Public @ 2023-06-07 07:00:07



Public @ 2010-06-04 16:19:17

