


OpenCard is now open for application for intelligent mini-program developers. OpenCard is a platform designed to simplify the development of mini-programs. It provides a set of standardized interfaces and capabilities that allow developers to create custom features and functionality for their mini-programs. Developers can apply for access to OpenCard by filling out a simple application form on the OpenCard website. Once approved, they will be given access to all the tools and resources needed to build powerful and engaging mini-programs. With OpenCard, developers can add features such as voice recognition, easy payment integration, and live chat support to their mini-programs with just a few simple clicks. The platform also provides advanced analytics tools to help developers better understand their users and improve their mini-programs over time. Overall, OpenCard is a powerful and easy-to-use platform that allows developers to create innovative and engaging mini-programs quickly and efficiently. To apply for access today, visit the OpenCard website and fill out the application form.

Public @ 2023-05-27 22:50:12


作者:百度站长平台     发布时间:2013年6月9日各位网站管理员:很高兴的通知大家,百度站长平台站内搜索工具全新升级,支持站内搜索与百度联盟账号的关联,只要站内搜索的域名需与百度联盟账户对应的主域保持一致,并按照站内搜索的要求配置广告,就有机会获取广告收入。本次升级亮点:1、支持站内搜索与联盟账号进行关联,关联账号之后可通过配置广告获取收入。2、站内搜索结果页面

Public @ 2020-06-13 16:07:48


移动搜索落地页体验转码是一种技术,能够优化移动端访问落地页的体验。具体来说,它会自动将移动搜索结果中的落地页地址转换为谷歌 AMP 或者 Facebook Instant Articles 格式,以提供更快的加载速度和更好的用户体验。 转码的机制为:当用户在移动设备上访问某个网页时,Google 或 Facebook 会自动拦截这个请求,并将其转换为特定格式的 AMP 或 Instant Art

Public @ 2023-04-11 15:50:47



Public @ 2021-09-26 16:03:21
